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Alt 09.05.2011, 18:03   #20
Benutzerbild von w00lf
Registriert seit: 08.10.2008
Ort: Kärnten
Alter: 35
Beiträge: 5.220

Xedos 6 1.6 16V Serie 1 83kW
BMW E38 735iA V8 176kW / Toyota GT86 147kW
Zitat von Artemmka Beitrag anzeigen
Right, turbo engine has more torque at low rpm`s.
But...i think there will not be a lot of power from 1.6t

But you should prepare engine before that. New pistons & etc.
Well, more than 200 is no problem.
A friend of mine has the B6T in his 323, therefore I know.

Yes, new pistons etc would be convenient, let's see what we will get until next winter.

mfg, Wolfgang
Xedos 6 16V:
BMW 735i V8:
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