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Alt 20.11.2024, 12:08   #12
Mazda RX-7 SA
Benutzerbild von Mazda RX-7 SA
Registriert seit: 01.08.2014
Ort: Wörthersee
Beiträge: 2.424

X9 2,5i V6 MTX '00; X6 2,0i V6 MTX '98 & X9 FL '02
Mazda 6 MPS 2006 & Mazda RX-7 SA 1981
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RX-7 SA: Thank you for the reminder about key matching, there seem to be firms here who do it too. I have ordered a Haynes Manual for a 626, a 1992 model without a V6, but there might be some clues worth the low price.
It is nearly 8 weeks since our Xedos failed and the garage has been slow. I bought the ECU which has 4 connectors but the mechanic cannot find the old one after looking under the carpets and battery etc but found 3 other smaller boxes. The local Mazda garage suggested it should be under a panel on the passenger floor (left side in UK) or in front of the gear lever.
The ECU of the Xedos is located directly before the shift lever, down under the radio.

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Meanwhile, the mechanic lifted the cover over the cam timing belt, which I hadn’t noticed was cracked, and found the tension adjuster was broken leaving the belt loose so “it would have jumped teeth on the cams and the valves would be bent!” Would the design allow that? He hasn’t checked any timing marks. My Lotus Elan cams are chain driven and it is impossible to jump teeth without removing a sprocket. The belt and tensioner were changed in 2017; anyway why would two fatal faults occur at the same time? The mechanic clearly doesn’t want to continue and I am looking for another garage to finish the job. Perhaps Santa Claus will find one, or send a reindeer with six legs in a V!
There are some reason why something happens.
Many times the tensioner won't be changed in case of new drive belt. In such case everything is still OK, "just" the tensioner failed and in such case the belt can jump teeth.
But, the V6 in the Xedos is a so called "Freiläufer". It means, the piston don't touch the valves in case of belt failure.
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