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Alt 17.03.2015, 00:23   #1
Beiträge: n/a
Xedos 6 stutter on 1/2 tank petrol. HELP!

I hope i could get some help with one more big issue.

When I'm on low on petrol in the tank or when its 1/2 tank the car feels slow and stutter when turning turning in a corner.

Is it something with the petrol filter oh some filter inside the tank??

What can i do?

THANX again for a wonderful Xedos forum!
Anders Sweden Göteborg
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Alt 22.03.2015, 17:19   #2
Benutzerbild von Ritzer82
Registriert seit: 19.04.2012
Ort: Hansestadt in M-V
Alter: 42
Beiträge: 722

Mazda MX-3 V6 KL-ZE
Mazda 323 BG GT & BG8, Volvo V70 D5 + S80 T5
Hi, sorry for my bad English but i wil try my best.
For many years I think I got the same problem with my mazda familia.
In the tank and around the fuel pump is a little cup.
The German name is Schwalblech.
This part work like a cache because fluid goes to the outside in the tank in corners so the fuel pump can't work.
I think you have to check your Schwalblech.
Noch 2x Tanken
Dann kommt Peter Zwegat !!!!

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