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Alt 18.03.2015, 20:13   #1
Beiträge: n/a
Throttle Position Sensor Adjust


I reed in some 626 and mx6 forum that you can adjust the TPS!

Anyone here that done it on Xedos 6? Any guide?

I did a quick test in diagnos mode and measure the Volt from it and its around 5volt both closed and open Throttle and it should be around 0.1V -1.1V closed and open 2.8-4.5V. This is taken from 626 and mx6 forum.

It should make a really big differens for the respons of the car.

So 5 volt both open and closed??? Any ideas?
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Alt 18.03.2015, 21:44   #2
Registriert seit: 17.03.2009
Beiträge: 1.319

Xedos 9 KL (2.5) '96
5V in both positions is definitly wrong (if measurement was right).
search on the internet - there should be detailed instructions on how to set the tps right. it's not so difficult.
wenn der xedos ruckelt: http://www.xedos-community.de/showth...842#post121842
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Alt 18.03.2015, 22:12   #3
Beiträge: n/a
I Used this guide for mx6 626..

They talk about the Yellow cable för signal but Its not the same place in the tps for Xedos.. The yellow cabel is al the way to the right but in the guide the yellow cabel is the next from the right.

Yellow Cabel Xedos:
1 2 3 (4)

Yellow Cabel 626 in the guide
1 2 (3) 4

I don't now if it mathers....

Yes 5Volt on closed and open throttle feels strange.
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Alt 19.03.2015, 10:03   #4
Registriert seit: 17.03.2009
Beiträge: 1.319

Xedos 9 KL (2.5) '96
i wouldn't care too much about the cable colour as this can be different even within one car model. but the tps should be the same on any v6-engine by mazda in the 90's ("k-series"). therefore, focus on the pin, not the cable colour.
wenn der xedos ruckelt: http://www.xedos-community.de/showth...842#post121842
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