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Alt 01.02.2010, 19:55   #1
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Charging problem ( now ok ) ! Battery is still going empty...

Dear All!

I have a problem with our X 6 2.0 Automatic -92. (Now charghing ok Thanks )
There is 3 lamps [B] one [/ B] at dashboard, Brake Light, ABS and generator.

When lamps are on its charching over 15V, but when lights are of its normal 14.2.
But when car is parked 2 days battery is empty.

I have new battery (2 times). : wall:
I have also made new - cable for engine (ground) no help ...

I replaced the unit with new fracture voltageregulator and new diode unit. And still same problem: motz:

Then i bought brand new generator and after changing it still same problem: idiot:: wall:
Lights are burning like a christmas tree .. but i still have not measured voltage.
I left the car in the garage because of this major headache of it .. : shock:

2. There is strange sound at cold starts mornings from engine (not from belt side, i changed all bearings allready: wall sound is coming at gearbox side like a bearing problem for 3-5 minutes then all ok. Any idea!!

So I need help ...

All ideas are very welcome ....

Best regards david

Geändert von damahki (08.02.2010 um 18:04 Uhr)
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Alt 01.02.2010, 20:07   #2
Benutzerbild von hörnchenmeister
Registriert seit: 22.01.2008
Ort: Glauchau
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Sorry for my bad english,

under the Accu is a 4pin cable connector. This one corroded sometimes.

looks like that


because of this the voltage is to high.
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Alt 01.02.2010, 20:22   #3
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Sorry for my bad english,

under the Accu is a 4pin cable connector. This one corroded sometimes.

looks like that


because of this the voltage is to high.
Ok tomorrow i will check it. It could be it begauce car is old but km only 133000. Thank You i will check it. Br david

Ps. Any idea of other issues???
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Alt 03.02.2010, 20:19   #4
Benutzerbild von wirthensohn
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Mazda 3 Fastback (2023)
Mazda Xedos 6 2.0 V6 (1992)
@damahki: please do not post multiple. You can edit your last post if needed.

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Alt 04.02.2010, 19:05   #5
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Thank You hörnchenmeister !

Now all ok.

Once again many thanks !

Br david
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Alt 04.02.2010, 20:46   #6
Benutzerbild von hörnchenmeister
Registriert seit: 22.01.2008
Ort: Glauchau
Alter: 38
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No problem
hörnchenmeister ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 08.02.2010, 12:49   #7
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Hei taas!

Olen pahoillani kysyä uudestaan! Mutta ei ole mitään käsitystä siitä, miksi akku on kuollut sen jälkeen, kun viikonloppuna ... Ehkä jotkut uudet yhteystiedot ongelma! Olen aivan uusi generaattori ja sen lataaminen normaalisti nyt.

BR David

Boot lamp was 24/7 on now all should be ok. Yes ....

Geändert von damahki (08.02.2010 um 20:36 Uhr)
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