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Alt 20.08.2007, 14:18   #1
Beiträge: n/a
Belgian chocolates

Greetings to everyone,

I understand the german language, but it takes me forever to write a simple sentence. Therefore I hope you can forgive that I write in english. As you can read in the title I am from Belgium. I am an automotive engineer and have bought a XEDOS 9 2.5l manual (handgetriebe) two months ago. The car recieved a LPI (LPG - injection) conversion.
Must say that the car is good value for money.

Untill now I only had problems with the heating system. Winter is coming and I can't get the interior warm...
Some of the "Beiträges" where helpfull though and I' ll fix it for sure.

Untill now I have allways driven Honda's
'92 CRX 1.4 double carburator (only sold in belgium)
'95 CRX Del Sol VTI
'95 Prelude 2.3 4WS

Innitially I wanted to buy a Honda Legend, but they were to expensive to buy and maintain (very high taxes: 2000 EUR/year)
The Xedos was a good alternitive. The only downside of the car is the turning circle. I wish it had the 4WS option...

Good luck to everyone,

Kind regards

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Weil so ein Forum immer vom Mitmachen seiner User lebt, mach doch einfach bei uns mit - diskutiere mit anderen Xedos-Fans und bereichere unsere Gemeinschaft *g*

Alt 20.08.2007, 14:43   #2
Benutzerbild von Hatschi
Registriert seit: 29.02.2004
Ort: Kärnten
Beiträge: 2.571

Xedos 9 2.0 V6; Xedos 9 2,5 V6; Rexton 2,7XDi

Halli Hallo

Nice to see thet the community is going international.

Yes, 12m for turning is very bad.

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