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Alt 30.01.2010, 20:40   #1
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New member from Finland !

Dear Xedos Friends !
First my apologize that i am using English. I dont speak or write German sorry.
I bought our Xedos 6 2,0 Automat -93 at 2005 from Berlin. This car was at sale at local dealer. 1 owner and 88000km. So it was good shape.
I have been very saticfied with it so far. Now we have only 135000 km on it now.
Emediatly at 2005 i replaced all brake discs/pads, also Koni shocks i asembled to it. Undercoating all over body to prevent rust. And then have been driving it with fun.
We have only about 10+ Xedos 6 cars here at Finland. ( all imported privatly mainly from Germany )
This model ( Xedos 6 ) was never imported officialy here. The Xedos 9 was imported 104 pcs officialy here ( exact info from Christian Thank You )

Just wanted to say hello to You all.

Best regards David

Geändert von damahki (30.01.2010 um 22:34 Uhr)
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Weil so ein Forum immer vom Mitmachen seiner User lebt, mach doch einfach bei uns mit - diskutiere mit anderen Xedos-Fans und bereichere unsere Gemeinschaft *g*

Alt 30.01.2010, 21:07   #2
Registriert seit: 29.06.2009
Beiträge: 920

Mazda Xedos 6 2.5i 24V 149kW, Bj98
Welcome in the community. Than your X is rare than in germany. I dont believe than you see the same car when you driving

Have fun with this.

My english is very bad, i know
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Alt 30.01.2010, 21:42   #3
Benutzerbild von wirthensohn
Registriert seit: 30.07.2003
Ort: Bingen am Rhein
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Mazda Xedos 6 2.0 V6 (1992)
Welcome to the Xedos-Community,

you're right, the Xedos 6 was never imported to Finland. I wonder why. But at least 104 exemplars of the Xedos 9 were build and delivered to Finland from December 1994 to September 2001 (data available in the database behind Mazdas electronics parts catalogue) - but with the 2.5i V6 only.

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Alt 30.01.2010, 21:56   #4
Benutzerbild von Xedos9
Registriert seit: 29.01.2010
Ort: Österreich
Beiträge: 1.861

Xedos 6 V6 Bj.92 EB; MX-6 V6 Bj.92 de facto EB
Welcome and good luck with your Xedos.
Xedos 6 und Xedos 9 - perfekte Autos ohne Chance
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Alt 31.01.2010, 08:41   #5
Registriert seit: 18.09.2006
Beiträge: 715
Please change the transmission fluid and filter ASAP since it will prolong the lifetime of the auto transmission significantly. You can find all informations within this site.

Best regards,

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Alt 31.01.2010, 12:09   #6
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Daumen hoch

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Please change the transmission fluid and filter ASAP since it will prolong the lifetime of the auto transmission significantly. You can find all informations within this site.

Best regards,

Thanks for info ! Actually i did that at 2005. I have heard that this is the weak point at these automatic gearboxes. I could change it again soon.
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Alt 31.01.2010, 18:05   #7
Benutzerbild von Phoenix
Registriert seit: 24.03.2009
Ort: Jena
Beiträge: 374

Xedos 9 2.0 (2000)

Also a warm welcome from me. Have fun with your X6.

Btw, I love Finland: it's always dark, high suicide rate and the Linux kernel comes from there.
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Alt 02.02.2010, 20:36   #8
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Dear All !

Many thanks for kind welcomes !

Br david
Ps. we have snow 70cm here
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Alt 02.02.2010, 22:51   #9
Registriert seit: 29.06.2009
Beiträge: 920

Mazda Xedos 6 2.5i 24V 149kW, Bj98
We have 2cm snow slush
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Alt 09.03.2010, 20:21   #10
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Daumen hoch Thank You !!!

Hello Friends !

Thank you very much for this nice forum.

Sorry to say but i sold my X6 out today. ( 7/05-3/10 )

Thank You once again and keep the Xedos forum running.

Best regards dama
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