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Motor, Luftfilter, Auspuff, Getriebe, ...

Alt 13.07.2010, 22:15   #1
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Beitrag Xedos 6 V6 automatik getribe probleme

Hallo ich bin eine dänisches mitglied von Xedos community.
Leider schreibe ich nicht sehr gut Deutsch, und versucht deshalb mit einem Thema in englischer Sprache mit meiner Frage zu stellen.
Aber Sie können naturlich in deutscher Sprache beantworten.
I am the (happy) owner of an Xedos 6 V6 (1997) with automatic transmission.
I bought the car 3 1/2 years ago in Germany. The car has now only run 78.000 km.
Never had problems with the transmission. ATM oil never changed.
Four days ago I came back from a 250 km long trip on "autobahn" in 32 C. degrees ( a hot day).
When i entered my driveway to my house the car suddenly "bumped" when the transmission shifted to 1 gear.
I stopped the car and let it cool off. Oil is on the right level and RED. No smell of burned clutch, and NO leeks. When I press the shift-handle from PARK to N or further down to D -S or N the transmission makes "bumpy" noise and the car moves a little. Maked a test drive later. The car drives and shift to 2. and 3. gear. But when I take off speed, the transmission makes the same noise, and it is like it is going down in "ERROR MODE". Is that possible ?
1. Can I find any error codes or (EOBC) that relate to the transmission.
2. Is it possible that the ATM malfunction has something to do with the speedregulator system, oil cooler, pump ???.
3. Can I be lucky to solve the problem by shifting the oil and filter.
3. Does all Xedos 6 produced from 1995 to 1999 have the same transmission.
Nice to know if i have to buy a used transmission. Xedos Shop writes that it is the same ?
4: Any solutions ?

Thank you for your time and possible answer.

Freundlichen Grüsse.

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Alt 13.07.2010, 22:29   #2
x9 millercycle
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ab Montag Legnum VR4 kombi

kannst einen kompletten V6 automatik haben für 550 euro leder alles dabei !
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Alt 13.07.2010, 22:58   #3
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Xedos 6 automatik getribe probleme

Danke - aber Ich suche erstens eine lösung für die automatikgetribe in meine sehr schöne und geliebtes auto, das mich nie zufor im steck gelassen haben!.
Ein automatik getribe tausch löst wielicht nicht das problem, wenn das Problem wielicht liegt außerhalb des Getriebes.
Aber danke für Ihren angebot.
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Alt 14.07.2010, 08:16   #4
Benutzerbild von JWBehrendt
Registriert seit: 07.04.2006
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Change the ATF-Filter & clean the magnets in the oilpan.
Make a COMPLETE ATF-change as described elsewhere here in older threads.
Ford used in some models the same ATX and recommends an ATF- & Filter-change every 40000 km.
To prevent overheating in the future, you may change the ATF-cooler to a bigger type.

so long,
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Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
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Alt 14.07.2010, 13:03   #5
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Daumen hoch Xedos 6 Automatik Getribe probleme

Hallo John
Thank´s for your fast answer.
I will do oilchange as you describe.
Fount the old thread :

Do i use Dexron II or Dexron III transmission oil.
Mazda prescribes in the owners manual to use Dexron II.

Noch ein mahl - vielen danke für ihren antwort.

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Alt 14.07.2010, 14:32   #6
Registriert seit: 05.11.2006
Ort: Salzgitter
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Xedos9 Mod.TC93 00-02 Ausst. Exclusiv LPG

In Restauration: Honda SS50 & JAWA350(640)
Det Xedrik
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...Do i use Dexron II or Dexron III transmission oil.
Mazda prescribes in the owners manual to use Dexron II...
you may use Dexon II or III
Dexon III fulfilled and excel the spec of Dexon II.

"Alle Lebewesen außer den Menschen wissen, daß der Hauptzweck des Lebens darin besteht, es zu genießen." Samuel Butler
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Alt 14.07.2010, 23:48   #7
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Danke Merlin !
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Alt 15.07.2010, 10:13   #8
Benutzerbild von JWBehrendt
Registriert seit: 07.04.2006
Beiträge: 1.180
I suggest you, to use Dexron III.

so long,
Es wird Wagen geben, die von keinem Tier gezogen werden und mit unglaublicher Gewalt daherfahren.
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
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Alt 15.07.2010, 22:57   #9
Registriert seit: 05.11.2006
Ort: Salzgitter
Alter: 66
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Xedos9 Mod.TC93 00-02 Ausst. Exclusiv LPG

In Restauration: Honda SS50 & JAWA350(640)
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I suggest you, to use Dexron III.

so long,
I thing too, Dexon III is the better choice

"Alle Lebewesen außer den Menschen wissen, daß der Hauptzweck des Lebens darin besteht, es zu genießen." Samuel Butler
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Alt 21.07.2010, 23:38   #10
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Automatik getriebe kaput. Getriege esetzen !


Today I disassembled the automatic transmission sumb tub.

Sh.. (in German: Sch.... ) !!!
The transmission magnets was full of small iron parts- looked like a
hedgehog ( Igel ) and on the bottom i found at least 20 small
metal parts:


So there is no way out. The gearbox and converter
unfortunately have to be replaced.

I bought a "teilen spender auto" in Bremen last friday, and
it has a almost new automatic transmission. YES
Maybe lucky after all !

So this upcomming weekend we start replacing the transmission.
(I did it before on other cars, so it must be possible for me to do)

My questions (answers very welcome in german language)

1. It looks like it is possible to take the transmission out downwards
without taking the engine out. Anyone tryed to do this
Any "easy way" or any "traps" or danger damaging any parts

2. How do I release the "converter" from the chrankshaft together
with the automatic transmission. Is there a inspection hatch
so I can screw the bolts of the arms. How many bolts on the
flywheel to release to get the konverter off.
(I want to exchange both konverter and gearbox as one part,
because I am sure the converter on my damaged geabox
probaly also is full of bad oil, shit and small metal parts !!)

3. Any things that I should be carefull or beware of in the process
4. Does anyone have any #explosion drawings" of the gearbox and
converter or maybe a foto session shot in the process of replacing
the gearbox/converter - maybe "How to exchange the gearbox"

Grüsse !

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