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Error code 24 points to one of the following problems, found in closed loop of the right cylinder bank:
- fuel pressure
- injection value leaky
- ignition system
- leak air
If in combination with error codes 15 or 23, you need new lambda oxygen sensors (one in each exhaust manifold).
In combination with engine stuttering or when the engine tends to stall with pressed clutch pedal, you may have a damaged (leaky) intake tube (the black plastic tube between mass air flow sensor and the throttle body.
The Mas hade some loose thing inside becouse i could here it when im
Shake it slow. The air intake host is repaird now. I will try reeet the ecu.
Also one strange thing is that when the petrol messure indikator is on lower petrol rhe the car stutter and goes strange when im turning. Is it the filter in the petrol tank??